I just heard a radio interview with an elderly writer, unfortunately I have not heard the name.
of momentum, again, back on an issue that affects me. The inability to read this gripping much intelligentsia today. From the musical culture to "high".
The examples multiply ....
's comments Giorgio Bocca invariably come back on his now obsessive leitmotif of what the world is no return. In a recent editorial boasted of turning on your computer only to write their own article, not to say never and never connect to the network and shut it down soon after to do anything else.
He spoke then of children and grandchildren that interact with the world through the web, without going all'impudenza to say that it was better when you studied in almanacs, but he succeeded only by a Herculean self-control. And not so good. Between the lines (the great journalists are good at that) was not difficult to understand who considered smarter.
Arbasino explained to us the courier last month, how many interesting things and quality you could do in 60, the scale of the theater, from intellectual circles to artists' studios. And down a tumbler names now famous and monumental, but at that time were often unknown or heretics. Under
understood, not as in Milan today. Which does not offer any of this.
Umberto Eco tells us, finally, that the phone is a bitch and that he only uses it to call the taxi. Then leave it at home. The writer cites the radio
the two great disasters of Italian society.
The breakdown of the family and feminism, which has confused the roles of male and female by making them yourself.
Even in her discomfort latent feminism for the 70s was very noticeable, and its not that was basically a amarcord on the beautiful Italian family and women that make women and men, real men. A sophisticated version of the chat bar. Seconded by Cassandra voice of the third millennium.
What happens?
What happens to the soi disant intellectuals? In '70 intellectuals did not justify the generational gap some, but at least the "study"! The investigating
with the critical tools of their culture.
Today the arrogance, the syndrome of "our good old days" has become a habit to show off.
writers, artists, musicians and older adults mouth without hope that the new advances in every field. Technology, they hate because they can not understand it, the new cultural habits, sociological and even sex!
But that world is what we call Arbasino, Eco, Bocca? What world do they speak?
Here we go! We would like to
married life to honor people who may hate the idea of \u200b\u200bmoral family.
hostile to the network and its possibilities and anchored to the library, the paper book, as if one thing excludes the other! Without knowing that the best publisher in the world is probably amazon ...
It would without a mobile phone. A drive around the city and catch on the telephone booths, so comfortable ...
and then wives and mothers, and men that men do and bring home the paycheck!
Arbasino And finally, we should go to the stairs, and to hear the great pianist Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, of course. And so the outstanding 50 years of popular culture that represented the pop music or movies.
snobbery, superficiality.
Of course mine are simplifications, exaggerations, but reveal the poverty of analysis made it! And also the arrogance
my gosh. For Umberto Eco should be easy not to use the phone, with an army of secretaries ready to find him anywhere.
But perhaps for a sales representative does not have to spend the day hunting for telephone booths and work from their cars thanks to a phone and a microphone, maybe it's a real improvement. Maybe it's quality of life! Or not? I
of populism? And how if I do! And once they were the same intellectuals to do so. But in doing so give us knew
interpretations of society, past and present pay, make us "understand" the context.
Sciascia, in "to each his own," said Professor Laurana ago, a disillusioned teacher of Italian (played wonderfully to the movies by Gian Maria Volonte), this sentence
"Italian is the Italian . It 's the understanding! "
behold, understand.
guilt and sorrow I want to understand the refusal of so many brilliant minds.
Forced to watch the 30's to take the responsibility to explain its generation, and once this understanding grew out of the dialectic between them and the "old". Now the old
prefer to judge rather than studying. Use the viscera and head.
And again, the boys must take for example Pier Paolo Pasolini and his inability to be elite.
mention it in songs and speeches, cling to such a noble father. And then remember
citing another talent that he possessed and the intellectuals of today have lost.
the inconvenience.
the searcher
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