Amabile Lucia Visintainer
today Holy Mother Paulina, was born on December 16, 1865 in Vigolo Vattaro, Valsugana - Trento (at the time , the Austrian region of Tyrol). It was the second daughter of Anna and Napoleone Visinainer pianezza, both peasants.
With nine years old in September 1875, family emigrated Visintainer to Brazil with other families Trent, bound for the then-province of Santa Catarina to the colony Vataro (now Nova Trento).
In 1887 his mother died and she assumes, with just eleven years, the care of brothers and father, until her father remarries. With twelve years of age he actively participated in parish ministry, working in the small catechism, visiting the sick and cleaning of the Chapel of Vigolo.
Zeal for the needy was a sign of his vocation care. On July 12, 1890, along with her friend Virginia Rosa Nicolodi, hosted a cancer patient in terminal phase, giving began the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. The congregation was approved by the Bishop of Curitiba, Don José de Camargo Barros, on August 25, 1895.
In December 1895, Amabile and the first two companions (Virginia Nicolodi and Teresa Anna Maule) made his religious vows and Amabile received the name Sister Pauline of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus. The regimented life on Christian principles have attracted many vocations to the congregation that, amid the difficulties, continued to assist the needy.
In 1903 Mother Pauline was elected superior general for all life for the Sisters of the new congregation. He left Nova Trento and settled in Sao Paulo, Bairro Ipiranga, where he held orphans, children of former slaves and the slaves and abandoned elderly. In 1909 he was deposed from the post of Superior General of the Archbishop of Sao Paulo, Dom Duarte Leopoldo e Silva, and sent to work with patients of the Holy House and the elderly Asylum St. Vincent de Paul at Bragança Paulista, unable to ever occupy some post in your congregation. Years were marked by prayer, work and suffering, all done and accepted for the Congregation of the Sisters went ahead and "Our Lord was known, loved and adored by all around the world. "
In 1918, with the consent of Dom Duarte, was called by the Superior General, Mother Vicência Theodora, his successor, the Mother House in Ipiranga, where he remained until his death, a life of retirement interwoven with prayer and care for sick sisters, being a source of information for the history of the congregation.
As "Veneranda Foundress" was put on the spotlight when the Decree of Commendation awarded by the Holy See to the Congregation of the Sisters at 19 May 1933 and the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation, on 12 July 1940 Mother Pauline did when his spiritual testament: "Be very humble, always trust in Divine Providence and much, never, ever discouraged, although they are headwinds. Again I say: trust in God and Mary Immaculate; stand firm and forth! ".
From 1938, Mother Pauline began to acknowledge serious disorders because patients with diabetes. After two surgeries, in which underwent amputation of the middle finger and then the right arm, the victim spent the last months of blindness. He died on July 9, 1942, and his last words were "be done God's will." To mark their religious vocation "Veneranda Foundress" as a religion which you can admire the theological virtues, moral, religious or heroic in the highest degree. Deep faith and unbounded confidence in God, passionate love for the Eucharist, tender and filial devotion to Mary, devotion and confidence in "our good Father St. Joseph" and veneration by the Church authorities, religious and civil. Boundless love for God, translated into acts of service to poorer brethren and abandoned.
whole life of Mother Pauline can be summarized in the title that the people of the colony gave him Vigolo "nurse", ie being-for-others "or" all of God and all of the brothers "as they pray today their devotees and their Little Sisters. Humility, which led to the destruction of Mother Pauline herself to the congregation to go ahead. The page brightest of holiness and humility of Mother Pauline was written by the conduct that you had when Dom Duarte announced his deposition: "If his knees ... he humbled himself ... said he was very ready to deliver to the congregation ... spontaneously offered to serve as subjects in the Congregation. "
This first Santa of Brazil, one of Trent Vigolo Vattaro, was beatified by Pope John Paul II on October 18, 1991 in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The Circolo Trentino di
Sao Paulo Saint Mother Pauline has as its patron and example of hard work, dedication and faith of the people trentino.
The site of the Little Sisters of the Immaculate Conception is this:
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