Castle Tyrol: Heritage in South Tyrol Tyrolean
When we mentioned the Tyrol, we often remind us of the hill belongs to Austria. However, much of the Tyrol in Italy is in the Autonomous Region Trentino-Alto Adige / Südtirol. Alto Adige, ie the Südtirol (South Tyrol) is a new name for the province of Bolzano and owes its name because the province is situated in the upper valley of the River Adige (Etsch).
In the Middle Ages the name of a rogue castle, located in the town of Merano (Meran), in Tyrol, named the entire region: Tyrol. Built on top of a cliff, the imposing medieval castle now houses the remains of a paleo-Christian church, which no one yet knows for sure how that place was built as difficult access for its time.
In the tenth century, the Principality Tyrol was one of the most important principalities of the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne, which together with the Principality of Trento, formed the Episcopal County of Tyrol. The Principality of Bishops of Trent was a former state church that existed for about eight centuries (from 1027 to 1802) within the current Italian region of Trentino-Alto Adige. In the early nineteenth century, it was secularized and incorporating administratively to the Tyrol county of the Austrian Empire, which was already part as an autonomous entity.
In the eleventh century, the Tyrolean government became divided between the traditional prince-bishops and earls of Tyrol, prominent noble families. From this event, the region began to be formed by the Confederation of Tyrol.
In the eleventh century, the Tyrolean government became divided between the traditional prince-bishops and earls of Tyrol, prominent noble families. From this event, the region began to be formed by the Confederation of Tyrol.
In the mid-thirteenth century, much of the province belonged to the House of Habsburg (imperial house of Austria), becoming part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Thus, the episcopal jurisdiction declined, although many ecclesiastical territories were kept and could be found in the region until 1803, as the Episcopal Principality of Bressanone (Brixen) in Südtirol.
Today the castle houses an interesting museum Tyrol on the history, habits and culture of the Tyrolean region.
Today the castle houses an interesting museum Tyrol on the history, habits and culture of the Tyrolean region.
Dialect Trentino
Ti te parla Tirol?
trentino The dialect is a dialect of old, belonging to the context of the Alpine area, italic dialects. The notion of Trentino dialect is relatively recent past, the dialect was also called Tyrol or talian, to differentiate the dialect of Trentino Tyrolean German (tirolerisch), spoken in South Tyrol and Nordtirol.
The Alpine region Trentino out in mid-390 BC a meeting point between the dialects Raetians and Gauls. During the Roman period, the Alpine region was a territory belonging to the Celts (Gaul) and Raetians, which were at the time of Emperor Augustus fully Romanized. The popular Latin spoken by those people (with the influences of their pre-Roman languages), came the old rogue (rogues), which extended over much of the current Trentino, was the common language in this region of the Gallo-Roman.
That old rogue substrate suffered, first, many Germanic influences (on account of the successive invasions of Ostrogoths, Franks, Lombards and baiuvares) that spread the talk of the entire northern region Italian. Subsequently, the process was "Italianization" the rogue, caused primarily by Lombard (subgroup Gallo-italic) and subsequently by the Venetian, both dialects italics.
Besides the influence of Venetian and Lombard, the centuries of history with Austria and the close cultural and linguistic contact with the German-speaking population in the north, brought a considerable influx of German words in the dialect.
In Brazil, the Trentino dialect is still the common language in many colonial areas of Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Parana and Sao Paulo. There are dialectal variants of Trent, which refer to places of origin of the first emigrants. In many places, due to the joint settlement with Italian Venetian or other areas, there were variants of their own, "mixed" and that became dialects that can already be considered Brazilian, as talian, the language of Venetian Rio Grande do Sul
There are few studies on the Trentino dialect in Brazil, but increasingly researchers have taken interest in the linguistic reality of Trentino, preserving archaic dialects, kept since the late nineteenth century and that have changed in several cranes in their original locations.
Here are some sayings in Trentino dialect, expressions of life in the mountains kept for centuries by folk wisdom, transcribed by Mr. Everton Altmayer, Director of Culture and CTSP dialectology Trent researcher from the University of São Paulo.
El san 'l vol Zent robe el suitcase on the sole.
(the hundred things you want are the sick one)
If you voi la veridà saver, vai al public popsicle it ca.
(if you want to know the truth, ask the lower house)
The tuti ghe hey mati ntel veder Piaz Piaz, just che sia la i in single reason.
(at all pleased to see the crazy in the street, provided they are not those of his family)
If Ciapi public Omini co 'enjoys the vin che con en baril lat.
(join more men with a drop of wine with a barrel of milk)
Carnival: a party popularized in Trento
History Carnival is much older than you think. Estimated to have its beginning about 6,000 years ago in Ancient Egypt, in honor of the goddess Isis, the first celebrations were farmers around the bonfires, dances and music. Contact between Egyptian culture and Greek culture was influenced helena Egyptian rituals that have evolved, plus drink and sex in worship to the god Dionysus (in Rome called Bacchus), god of wine, where masks were used in the known celebrations Dionysian. In ancient Rome the Bacchanalia, Saturnalia and Lupercalia celebrated the gods Bacchus, Saturn and Pan.
Later, with the Christianization of Europe, the Christians tried to wipe out the pagan cults. With the establishment of dioceses, many of the festivals remained even with the ban of the Church, they were not extinct, were Christianized and given the name of Carnival because of being able to eat meat before Lent (carne vale> carnevale> Carnival ). During the Middle Ages and Renaissance Carnival was celebrated with banquets, where people also wore masks.
Remember, the Pope Paul II contributed to its evolution by introducing the masked ball, when he allowed in front of his palace to perform the Roman carnival. This tradition has become well known for the Carnival of Venice, but exists in much of Europe. As the Church banned the "sinful acts" in the eyes of the people fleeing the party of real origins as the joy and celebration for the achievements. In 1545, during the Council of Trent, the carnival was again a popular festival. In the Alps are some of the most ancient customs of the festival. In Trentino
there are several meanings for the carnival, each with its own characteristics and personalities. In Palù (Val Fersina), the characters of carnival Val dei Mòcheni are the old and the old (and BECI bècia) and oiertrógar, visiting the houses of the village ordering pies and gathering information will with their black masks at a party that lasts two days. The next day travel the same route by performing a play in the central town square, with the reading of wills (humorizado), seeding augural and dances. At dusk the hump of the old burn and wills.
In Bagolino-Ponte Caffaro, city of Brescia and Trento with borders, there are Balar, if accompanied by Sunadùr (low violins and viola) perform ceremonial dances carnivalesque and Mascher, dancers in very colorful clothes, with masks that resemble the Venice Carnival. In the valleys there are rogues Marascóns, Val di Fassa.
Popular piety has managed to unite the ancient Celtic and Roman pagan festivals with Christian faith. Brazil is known as the "country of carnival," and as good Brazilians, we must know a little about this party that infects people from different parts of the world.
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