Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ankle Ligament Reconstruction

secularism à la carte

this battle is interesting secular Giuliano Ferrara strokes of underpants.
Ferrara speaks of private behavior, sexual and moral habits that should not affect a state, why stick to the personal choices.
call to war against the new Puritanism ... tones from "ordinary man", in essence, not rompeteci his balls ...
agree on everything, please. It 's amazing, however, as it allows Ferrara intercepted triple ideological (with the wheels then ..) that are denied to others.
speak of that fact that Ferrara called for a new Puritanism (with another name) in his holy war against abortion.
them is a secular state leaves the step and quickly, in a moral, moralissimo.
Because for the secular state, the woman should be free to choose their own behavior, in fact. To state therefore, a fetus of a few weeks is a molecular structure that can not yet call a human being, this provides a difficult but essential step for a national freedom, the woman, who decides what to do. For Catholics, rather than possibility of human being (the fetus) is still man and its preservation should be ensured at all costs. What is secular and what neo Puritan Ferrara in these two cases?
Ferrara is also the sponsor intellectual and heard "adviser to the Prince" by a government that has undermined the stem, which does not even want to hear about civil unions.
I wonder whether these choices are not neopuritanesimo nth degree, interventions in sexual and moral habits (all right) people.
If I'm wrong and I can not marry a same-sex partners, at my bedside he literally has no right of access. I mean that in intensive care, if you are not husband or wife of someone you do not make us go.
Here's another question, the emergency room is a private space where inside is between life and death, the person we love or not?
on these questions more fundamental and painful of course, the private parties, I would expect a high debate from Ferrara, who has the intellectual and moral weapons.
His secularism à la carte instead is convenient;
cost much more, but eat only what you want.

the searcher


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