Monday, February 14, 2011

School Engineering Club


The White Sheik is a great movie by Federico Fellini. We
after the war, a girl from the province, honeymoon in Rome, runs away from the hotel to meet the star of the soap operas of his dreams. The actor, a master of cynicism is deaf in the character and charms the naive bride until the arrival of his wife. There, the mask falls. Deaf And shows his pettiness.

Berlusconi this time makes me think of him. I believe that Berlusconi
like now to only two categories of people: Those
very cynical and very white ones.
I think of the opposing reactions of some girls to dinner at Arcore. Those who understand very well why they are there and what they believed to really be at a political meeting. The first adapt on the fly, the second disappointment, the crack of the myth is deep and painful.

If you have a further blow (not a moral or criminal, if anything, policy) is precisely that they had destroyed a narrative to which many young people have believed. A narrative perhaps superficial, a little plastic-, some 80s, but an idea of \u200b\u200bItaly and Italians, who liked it or not.
imagine the faces of good guys who study, ordered by the forelock, tie and blue shirt that we see in certain sites of the PDL, and I've seen in some events. Here
've somehow betrayed this generation is a fault on which he should ask.
Building a fictional young clean, respectful of parents, good school graduates facing the country and change it and then fuck those same young people is not a pretty sight. And 'in fact, a deafening silence is that of young talent Berlusconi, although there are clubs.

'm not so sure that this country is drowning in cynicism. And I do not think that the PDL did not have the ideal structure. Some students of the Catholic or mouthfuls of Milan, who saw him as the successful businessman, the father or the uncle who would have liked. I think for them, even if they are not huge crowds, there is the inconvenience. A
that generation certainly can not talk anymore after what has happened and the interruption of dialogue with "good for young people" at the end is a political mistake no small feat.
I wonder if this "collateral damage" is evaluating the Berlusconi.


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